My backup strategy

My backup strategy
Photo by Lars Kienle

I mainly use a RS1221+ carrying 4x 6TB WD Red Plus running in RAID 6 with data protection for my backups.

My backup job runs every night at 3am and backups the following:

- my Google Business account using Active Backup for Google Workspace - my Google Accounts outside the business account using Cloud Sync - my publicly and locally hosted services using Active Backup for Business

Afterward I use Hyper Backup to back up most of the data to backblaze b2. The current size of my backup is 701GB. My monthly costs are around 5€, which is incredibly cheap. The data is encrypted using the inbuilt encryption.

The max number of versions is set to 256, afterward the retention policy sets in and deletes the oldest version.

Once per year I run a full backup to a local disk and store it in a safe place.

This ends up being two "onsite" backups and one "offsite" backup.

While I'm not a big fan of the synology backup solution, it's the best I could find for my use case. The overhead is minimal and the backup is encrypted. For production systems I would recommend using a dedicated backup solution like Borgrestic or Kopia.

I'm not affiliated with backblaze or synology in any way.